Ribbit, Ribbit! Jumping is Calming?

This week in class we are working on a skill station called Springboard to Horse. The Springboard works on timing, jumping, leg strength and impact (joint strength and stability). And here is a FUN FACT…encouraging your child to jump around helps them to calm themselves down. Jumping is a muscle work activity and it can help children to work off the energy, calm down, and re-focus their mind. Who would have guessed?!  So, for this week, our skill of the week is Frog Jumps, which works on all of the same things as the Springboard portion of the skill station.

Try it out before bedtime and help your child prepare to climb into bed. How many jumps can they do?

For young babies up to 2.5 years –
Hold under arms and lift up, as they come back down they will bend their knees as they land, help them bounce back off those feet, repeat a few times.
For children 2 and 3 years old –
Encourage them to get small, jump up, then get small again and repeat. Encourage them to always land on their feet!
For children 4 and up –
Squat and touch the ground, jump up high with arms up, then get small again – repeat 3-5 times.
Jump higher
Jump farther
Do Frog Tuck Jumps! Very tricky and requires excellent leg strength, timing, and body control
Happy Jumping! Ribbit, Ribbit!

Skill of the Week | V-Sit

This week in all of our gymnastics classes, we are working on balancing on the Hot Dog. This helps with core strength as children walk across it. It also helps kids of all ages learn to focus on completing a task and building the confidence to know that they can do it!

V-Sits are a fun skill that you can practice at home, which also works on developing core strength and increasing focus. Two VERY important skills as the kids go back to school this week!

6 Months- 3 Years 
3-4 Years 
VsitN VsitJ
4 and Up
No hands touching the floor, legs together, hold and count to 3, 5 and 10 seconds
Happy Balancing!

Why My Gym?


We are the experts in children’s fitness.

My Gym has developed an extraordinary program and facility devised to help children 6 weeks through 13 years of age develop physically, cognitively and emotionally. We have hundreds of locations in more than 30 countries offering structured, age-appropriate, weekly classes that incorporate music, dance, relays, games, special rides, gymnastics, sports and more. Children have loads of fun as they gain strength, balance, coordination, agility and flexibility while developing social skills, confidence and self-esteem. Our state-of-the-art facility, extensively trained staff, award-winning class programs, and excellent student/teacher ratio have earned My Gym the reputation as the best early learning program of its kind.

We keep children healthy by making fitness fun!

Childhood obesity has doubled in the last two decades, with 10% of all children between the ages of 2 and 5 in the U.S. already overweight. My Gym is dedicated to reversing this dangerous trend. Our facilities, programs and services empower youngsters by helping them acquire the skills, confidence and positive self-image needed to become healthy young adults. We are committed to nurturing children, treating them with understanding and positive reinforcement, maintaining a supportive and noncompetitive atmosphere, and making learning fun and exciting.

We improve the lives of children throughout the world.

The thrill of accomplishment from achieving a physical task builds self-esteem and confidence that carry over into all aspects of a child’s life. Interaction with our highly trained staff provides children the opportunity to establish warm relationships with compassionate adults, thus raising their level of comfort as they begin preschool/kindergarten. Our My Gym Kids learn more about themselves as they develop independence, self-discipline, social skills and even a sense of humor, all of which lead to an increased feeling of self-worth. A child who feels good about him/herself has a jumpstart on the path to success.